About the Board
Economic Development Lethbridge is an arm’s length organization, supported by the City of Lethbridge, governed by a 31-member volunteer Board of Directors and managed by a team of professionals dedicated to promoting economic prosperity in Lethbridge. EDL Board Members are drawn from a diverse cross-section of the community with the intention of best accomplishing the mandate and objectives of the organization.
As a governance Board, members are tasked with:
- setting the strategic direction for the organization through four-year business plans aligned with the municipal funding cycle
- providing direction, proactive leadership and sector-based expertise
- establishing governance policies that support the mandate of the organization
- hiring and evaluating the CEO
Meet Our Board

Timothy Hachkowski
Timothy is a creative and technology focused entrepreneur from Lethbridge. Raised in Coaldale, Timothy had an early start with technology and business thanks to key mentors and independent learning. At twelve-years old, Timothy used online tutorials to teach himself how to design and program his own computer games. In high school, the Junior Achievements entrepreneurial programs gave Timothy early success with his first business ventures.
In his early professional career, Timothy worked at a local advertising agency start-up. There he gained valuable experience with real world business pains and growth. Recognizing the growing demand for digital marketing services, Timothy ventured on his own in 2016 to start his first company. Three years later, Timothy exited his marketing company to be a founding member of Sumus Property Group Ltd. a company focused on building community with thoughtful and well-designed real estate investments.
Outside of work, Timothy spends his time with his young family, learning from mentors, taking online courses, helping other entrepreneurs, and guest teaching at the Lethbridge University and Tecconnect.

Mayor Blaine Hyggen
Blaine Hyggen was first elected to City Council in 2013 and was elected Mayor in 2021. He has owned and operated various businesses throughout the community for the past 28 years. He studied Business Law and Accounting at Lethbridge Community College.
Some of Blaine's past and current volunteer experience includes: School Councils, Lethbridge Figure Skating Club, Lethbridge Volleyball Association, Lethbridge Oldtimers Sports Association and The Lethbridge Hurricanes Hockey Club, to name a few.
Blaine's family is his number one priority. His wife Jennifer is a Registered Nurse and they have two daughters: Jayden and Jelayna. Blaine enjoys attending local theatre and staying active by running, biking and playing hockey.
As a proud parent and successful business owner, Blaine loves Lethbridge and wants to see it remain the best city for families while ensuring it is a great place to do business.

Adriana Mercader
Adriana was born in Mexico City. In 2008 she immigrated to Canada. Adriana (BMgt, MSc, MBA) joined Flexahopper Plastics Ltd in 2009 as Director of Marketing. She was promoted to Corporate Vice-President in 2015 and then Chief Executive Officer in 2022. Since taking the company under her direction, Flexahopper has become an internationally recognized brand, generating record sales growth. Adriana has positioned this pillar of the Lethbridge business community as the top rotomolder in the Pacific Northwest.
Adriana was awarded Lethbridge’s Top 40 under 40, in 2018, by the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce, making her the first immigrant woman bestowed with this recognition. She has served on several other industry boards as part of her ongoing effort to help what she calls “her city”, rise- up. she recently was accepted as a member of the University of Lethbridge Senate.
In her extensive repertoire of interests, she is a voracious reader and is passionate about the outdoors. The best part of her life are her two rambunctious kids that keep her on her feet.
John Ross
Arts, Culture & Entertainment
Mary Ann Crow Healy
Chamber of Commerce
Charlene Scheffelmair
City of Lethbridge Councillor
Jeff Carlson
City of Lethbridge Mayor
Blaine Hyggen
City of Lethbridge Manager
Lloyd Brierley
Community & Social Services
Robin James
Blayne Janssens
Tricia Doherty
Shannon Frank
Financial & Professional Services
Obed Maurice
Health & Wellness
Dr. Steven Ha
Hospitality & Tourism
Jody Young
Byron Jackson
Industrial & Manufacturing
Matthew Salmon
Lethbridge College
Jason Donkersgoed
Lethbridge County
Tory Campbell
Dr. Sampath Walgama
Sandra Mintz
Real Estate & Development
Ken Harvie
Regional Economic Development
Peter Casurella
Jeremy Roden
Keith Sumner
Susan Eymann
Supply Chain & Logistics
Brent Peterson
Ed Limon
University of Lethbridge
Dr. Dena McMartin
Young Entrepreneur
Timothy Hachkowski
Young Professional
Jared Boras

Did You Know?
At the end of 2016, the tecconnect centre for entrepreneurship and innovation was at 90% capacity!