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Where is Lethbridge?

Lethbridge is located in the southern portion of the western province of Alberta, Canada and is the centre of a trading area that serves nearly 342,000 people in Alberta, British Columbia and the State of Montana.

Located only one hour north of the Alberta-Montana border, Lethbridge is closer to the U.S. market than any other city in Alberta. Lethbridge is also easily accessible to major markets across Western Canada by road, rail and air. Our proximity to the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains also places us within an hour’s drive to spectacular national parks, UNESCO World Heritage sites and other major attractions.

Lethbridge is in the Mountain Standard Time Zone, which means an extended service day to our Eastern customers.

Quick Facts: 

  • City of Lethbridge Land Area: 121.97 square Kilometres.
  • Population density: 611.9 people per square kilometre.
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Did You Know?

Every year more than 2,800 people complete some form of postsecondary education in Lethbridge.