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Ignite YQL 2018

Ignite YQL 2018: Bright Now!
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Sponsored by RBC

We're excited to host the second annual Ignite YQL event and will be announcing this year's presenters soon!

In this fast-paced, energetic format, presenters get 20 slides which automatically advance every 15 seconds, resulting in an impactful presentation in just 5 minutes. We’re looking for 8-10 presenters willing to take on this challenge and deliver a passion pitch about what they are doing, living and building that is making a positive impact in the community, right now and for years to come.

The 2017 Ignite YQL was enjoyed by attendees and proved to be a great experience for our 10 presenters. If you missed the event last year, you can view the 2017 videos here

Important Dates for Presenters

September 17: Applications to Present Deadline
September 20: Successful Applicants Notified
October 19: Ignite Presentations Due
October 22 & 23: Participate in one Ignite Practice Session
October 24: Ignite YQL 2018!

Did you know head image

Did You Know?

There has been more than $1billion worth of non-residential construction in Lethbridge over the past 10 years.