Ignite YQL 2018: Bright Now!
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
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We're excited to host the second annual Ignite YQL event and will be announcing this year's presenters soon!
In this fast-paced, energetic format, presenters get 20 slides which automatically advance every 15 seconds, resulting in an impactful presentation in just 5 minutes. We’re looking for 8-10 presenters willing to take on this challenge and deliver a passion pitch about what they are doing, living and building that is making a positive impact in the community, right now and for years to come.
The 2017 Ignite YQL was enjoyed by attendees and proved to be a great experience for our 10 presenters. If you missed the event last year, you can view the 2017 videos here.
Important Dates for Presenters
September 17: Applications to Present Deadline
September 20: Successful Applicants Notified
October 19: Ignite Presentations Due
October 22 & 23: Participate in one Ignite Practice Session
October 24: Ignite YQL 2018!

Allan’s unwavering investment of time and energy provides benefits for himself and our community.

Ammar is one of three U of L grads who strongly believe in providing newcomers with an opportunity to integrate into our city, by bringing Syrian Cuisine to Lethbridge.

Andrea is an Entrepreneur who supports Entrepreneurs and encourages them to get invested and connected in the community. The investment is well worth it!

Chris continues to push the boundaries of design and technology to help influence the future of our community.

Colin highlights the many sport activities in Lethbridge and captures key moments for the brightest stars in our sports scene.

Jessica’s involvement with various groups in the community has been a driving force in her goal of connecting with community.

Kris works tirelessly to educate the community on how virtual reality could transform the future of education.

Lisa is passionate about creating access and equal opportunity in all levels of political office in Canada.

Peter firmly believes that in order to prevent addiction in the future, we must work with families and strengthen them so they can provide a safe and nurturing home for their children.

Did You Know?
There has been more than $1billion worth of non-residential construction in Lethbridge over the past 10 years.