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Peter Imhof

Prevention: A Different Perspective on the Opioid Crisis

Peter firmly believes that in order to prevent addiction in the future, we must work with families and strengthen them so they can provide a safe and nurturing home for their children.

Peter Imhof came to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada in 2001 from Germany. After working almost ten years in technical research and development, he joined Family Centre as Family Support Manager in 2012 and took on the role as Executive Director in 2014. Family Centre is a non-profit organization that offers prevention and early intervention services to strengthen families and parents with a particular focus on care-givers of young children. Peter is passionate about making a difference for our community. He is a chartering member of the Mosaic Rotary Club, works through Family Centre on preparing a strong future for our community, and has recently found something new to be excited about: social entrepreneurship.

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Did You Know?

The Southern Alberta agricultural region has an annual production capacity of over 860,000 acres in canola crops - 21% of the Alberta total canola crops are grown here.