19 Regional Organizations Preparing for 8th Team Lethbridge Mission to Edmonton
Oct 25, 2024
Lethbridge, AB…The 8th edition of Team Lethbridge, consisting of 19 organizations will be visiting Edmonton early next month to advocate on behalf of our city and region with the provincial government. The initial Team Lethbridge mission took place in October of 2008 and since then Lethbridge and area organizations have been meeting on a bi-annual basis to discuss how our community can help contribute to the success of Alberta. Previous trips have proved effective in communicating that Lethbridge and Southern Alberta can be a location of choice for economic growth and diversity, pilot projects and a location where business, industry, government, and education can all work together for the better of our community as well as the province.
“For the past 16 years, Team Lethbridge has consistently communicated to provincial governments the numerous benefits of investing in Southern Alberta. As Team Lethbridge continues to evolve, it bolsters the responsible growth and regional development of education, advanced education, tourism, economic and trade diversification, agriculture, research and much more. Team Lethbridge has successfully attracted hundreds of millions of dollars in direct investment and generated billions of dollars in indirect investment.” Hon. Nathan Neudorf - MLA Lethbridge East/Minister of Affordability and Utilities
2024 Team Lethbridge Goals:
• Elevate the unique strengths and contributions of the Lethbridge region among provincial decision makers.
• Convey appreciation for investment/funding in Lethbridge and communicate the additional impact possible with
further investment.
• Advance key community investment and policy priorities.
• Increase Lethbridge’s inclusion/participation in strategic decision making.
• Build relationships, capacity and enhance opportunities between all partner organizations.
2024 Team Lethbridge Key Messages:
• Lethbridge is a vibrant regional hub at the intersection of key economic corridors.
• Lethbridge is a forward-thinking community with collaboration partners that embrace innovation by living our
community brand of “Brighter Together”.
• Lethbridge is an affordable place to build a life and raise a family.
• Lethbridge is the gateway to opportunity with a stable, diversified, and growing economy.
• Lethbridge is proud of our many diverse traditions, cultures, and the region’s natural beauty.
Team Lethbridge organizations will be partaking in a group planning session/mission kickoff on Monday, October 28th.
Media are invited to the kickoff portion of the event.
Team Lethbridge Mission 8 Kickoff
Monday, October 28th, 2024
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Sandman Hotel – 421 Mayor Magrath Drive South
Team Lethbridge 2024 Organizations include:
Alberta Health Services, South Zone
Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge
BILD Lethbridge Region
City of Lethbridge
Downtown Lethbridge Business Revitalization Zone
Economic Development Lethbridge
Holy Spirit Catholic School Division
Lethbridge & District Association of REALTORS
Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce
Lethbridge Construction Association
Lethbridge County
Lethbridge Family Services
Lethbridge Polytechnic
Lethbridge School Division
Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization
Lethbridge Sport Council
Tourism Lethbridge
University of Lethbridge
Volunteer Lethbridge
For more information, contact:
Mark Neskar
Director, Marketing & Communications
Economic Development Lethbridge
While in Edmonton, media and the community can follow Team Lethbridge on social media by searching #TeamLeth #yql and #ABLeg on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn