Economic Development Organizations Sign Memorandum of Understanding
May 9, 2024
Lethbridge, AB… Economic Development Lethbridge (EDL) is playing host this week to the Great Falls Development
Alliance (GFDA). The two organizations have gathered to discuss opportunities to strengthen, grow and diversify the food, agriculture, bioprocessing and energy industry sectors which play an important role in each city’s economic development, and to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Lethbridge and Great Falls are located approximately 250kms apart and are considered the first mid-sized city in Alberta and Montana after crossing the international border when travelling via Highway 4 in Alberta and Interstate 15 in Montana.
Some of the motivation supporting the signing of this MOU include:
• Canada and the United States are each other’s largest international trading partners.
• Canada is the largest international trade partner with the state of Montana.
• The Great Falls regional trade area of Montana and Southern Alberta share geographic, economic, and agricultural similarities that offer a competitive environment for food, ag, and bio processing and energy industries.
• EDL is an economic development organization that seeks to strengthen and diversify the Lethbridge regional
economy by initiating and facilitating proactive economic development strategies and promoting Lethbridge as an
excellent place to live, learn, invest, experience, and do business.
• GFDA is an economic development organization that seeks to transform Great Falls, Montana and the surrounding rural and tribal region into a thriving economy that raises the standard of living, particularly for underserved populations and economically distressed areas, and creates greater economic opportunity for people, entrepreneurs, and businesses.
“We’re excited to sign this MOU with Great Falls Development Alliance and learn some of the strategies they incorporate for investment, business retention, and innovation,” says, Economic Development Lethbridge CEO, Trevor Lewington. “The timing of the agreement between us and our friends in Great Falls, taking place during International Economic Development Week is an example of how networking and advocacy can play a big part in the work we do to support the region.”
As part of the agreement both Economic Development Lethbridge and Great Falls Development Alliance agree to:
• Twice annual cross-border visits to Great Falls and Lethbridge to explore each other’s regions, visit appropriate
businesses, learn from each other’s successful policies, and promote local resources and the benefits of doing
business in each region.
• Host a promotional event at an agreed upon industry tradeshow to promote the partnership and the benefits of
doing business in the Lethbridge-Great Falls corridor.
• Promote our partnership in each other’s individual media strategies with shared letterhead.
• Encourage the participation and cooperation of other nonprofits in our regions including but not limited Tourism
Lethbridge and Great Falls Tourism, and our respective Chambers of Commerce.
Brett Doney, GFDA President & CEO notes, “The Great Falls Development Alliance is excited to partner with Economic
Development Lethbridge on one of the first cross-border partnerships between economic development organizations in the United States and Canada. With this memorandum of understanding between our two organizations, we hope to better assist companies who currently do business in our both of our communities and those companies who want to explore new markets. We will also forge ahead with co-marketing opportunities of the Great Falls-Lethbridge Corridor as an attractive region to start, grow or relocate a business."
The Memorandum of Understanding between the two economic development organizations will be signed Friday, May 10th at 9:30 A.M at Tecconnect. Media are invited to attend and representatives from both the Great Falls Development Alliance and Economic Development Lethbridge will be available for comment.
For more information, contact:
Mark Neskar
Director, Marketing & Communications
Economic Development Lethbridge