EDL Highlights Findings from Recent Study into Robotics and Technologies in Manufacturing Sector.
Mar 27, 2024
Lethbridge, AB…Economic Development Lethbridge (EDL) in partnership with Lethbridge College and Richardson International, are pleased to share the findings of their recent Labour Market Partnership (LMP) study involving the use of automation in the local manufacturing sector. The primary purpose of this project was to analyze the current state of Lethbridge’s manufacturing workforce and assess the use of automation technology by companies in this sector, with a particular focus on identifying barriers precluding companies from investing in these productivity-enhancing tools.
The report – which was funded by the Government of Alberta – probed the following questions:
• Identifies the range of manufacturing tasks that can be automated, and skills associated with performing those tasks. The range of tasks that can be automated and the degree to which local manufacturers are making use of existing tools.
• Identifies the current state of Lethbridge’s manufacturing workforce and recommends ways to make it more resilient and able to make use of productivity-enhancing technologies such as robotics equipment and automation tools.
• Systematically documents what regional employers are doing to address existing talent challenges and other barriers in the adoption of productivity-enhancing technologies.
• Synthesizes practical evidence as to structure, duration, and success of different training programs in
• Provides recommendations to facilitate the transition of Lethbridge manufacturing workforce for Industry 4.0
The study, conducted by the Conference Board of Canada, provided numerous key findings and potential
strategies for aiding Lethbridge and area manufacturers. “We want to make sure the manufacturing sector in Lethbridge has a gameplan for the future given the importance of this industry locally,” says Mike Prociw, Workforce Initiatives Supervisor, Economic Development Lethbridge. “These findings show us what we’re doing well, where we could use some help and how we can best work with partners to increase the use of these productivity-enhancing tools and ensure local companies are well positioned to thrive in the Industry 4.0 environment.”
Some of the key findings included:
• Access to talent was cited as the most frequent barrier impeding the integration of automation technologies in the local manufacturing sector.
• Businesses referred a lack of access to adequate training supports as a key challenge to support workforce transitions into digital, automation & robotic technologies.
• There is a gap in awareness regarding available training options and financial supports that could assist local manufacturers.
• The development of a comprehensive automation labour force strategy that incorporates needs and provides clear targets and solutions would be helpful in addressing the talent gaps identified.
• The formation of a local industry group could help fill gaps in awareness regarding available training options and financial supports that could assist local manufacturers.
“Our organization is always looking for ways to help Lethbridge and area manufacturers. In the past we’ve offered tools like the Supply Chain Automation Pilot Program and even held a Virtual Reality Supply Chain Conference with the support of industry and government,” says Trevor Lewington, CEO, Economic Development Lethbridge. “We can use the key findings from this study to engage with our manufacturing partners to develop new resources for this sector, which plays a vital role in the local economy.”
Economic Development Lethbridge help a roundtable discussion on Tuesday, March 26th with partners and manufacturers in the region to unveil the key findings and discuss next steps. A copy of the complete study
can be found on the Choose Lethbridge website and a recording of the discussion can be found on the Choose Lethbridge YouTube channel.
For more information please contact:
Mike Prociw
Workforce Initiatives Supervisor
Economic Development Lethbridge
Mark Neskar
Director, Marketing & Communications
Economic Development Lethbridge