Economic Development Lethbridge launching Supply Chain Automation Pilot Program with support from Western Economic Diversification Canada
Jan 28, 2021
Lethbridge, AB…Economic Development Lethbridge (EDL), with support and funding from Western Economic
Diversification Canada (WD), will be launching the Supply Chain Automation Pilot Program (SCAPP) to help small and
medium enterprises in the region innovate and automate their operations. The goal of the program will be to educate
businesses looking to become more efficient and expand the reach of their goods and services. The 7-session program will be offered virtually and will begin February 1st and run through the end of March.
The Pilot Program will utilize an On-Demand type of learning style, where participants will have access to 3 pre-recorded modules for each of the 7 weeks and then consult with program facilitators. Some of the topics for the Supply Chain Automation Pilot Program include project management, supply chain process automation, performance measurements, integration, and financial forecasting. Facilitators of the program include Marked Stone Advisory Corp. and InBridge Inc., both of whom provide a wealth of knowledge regarding supply chain processes and innovation.
“I’ve heard from business owners about the need for new technologies and processes to help them to emerge from the
pandemic stronger and more competitive than before,” said the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic
Development and Official Languages, and Minister responsible for Western Economic Diversification Canada. “This
collaboration between Western Economic Diversification Canada and Economic Development Lethbridge is an exciting
step in that direction. Together, we can give local firms a leg up in exploring innovative new practices in areas such as
automation, data and analytics, and other emerging technologies in supply chains and logistics operations.”
“This is a way for local small and medium enterprises to learn, assess and then proceed with a plan of action when it
comes to using automation as a way to become more competitive,” says Brad Beerling, Logistics Manager, Meridian
Manufacturing Inc., and member of the SCAPP advisory committee. “COVID-19 has accelerated the need for industry to
look at ways to become more efficient. This pilot program is available for businesses who may be thinking about some form of automation, and others who have possibly started the process of automating but don’t know what’s next, or how to proceed.”
Registration for the SCAPP opened in late 2020 and as of today has reached capacity with regional businesses but will
remain open until February 1. Businesses who do register going forward will be contacted by organizers. One of the
attendees is Angel Harper, owner, and operator of Mocha Cabana Bistro and Mocha Local, a food delivery service in
Lethbridge. “Mocha Local is still really in its first phase right now, and if there are ways to make the process of sorting or fulfilling orders, or automating to pick and fill our boxes, why wouldn’t we want to learn more about them, “comments Harper. “And with the help of EDL, I have the opportunity to learn about automation, assess my own business plan and operation and then talk with experts about the right time and options to help my business pivot and thrive.”
The SCAPP will run from the beginning of February through March 31st, 2021
For more information, contact:
Mark Neskar
Director, Marketing & Communications
Economic Development Lethbridge