Organizations in Lethbridge partner to promote local delivery option
Dec 17, 2020
Lethbridge, AB… Downtown Lethbridge and the Heart of Our City Committee, in partnership
with the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Lethbridge and Tourism
Lethbridge will encourage Lethbridge residents to support local businesses by calling the
business directly to place orders and to go and pick-up themselves whenever possible rather
than using delivery services.
Simply Delivery, a local delivery service, with no-commission fees, has also joined the
partnership recognizing the convenience of delivery services as both consumers and
businesses look for options to support each other at this time. Customers who download and
utilize the Simply Delivery app with any participating business city-wide, will have their delivery
fees reduced by 75% by way of a promo code that can be used up to 5 times per customer
“Simply Delivery provides online ordering from some of your favourite local businesses, and
we stand by our commitment to anything from anywhere by offering custom orders to our
guests on our marketplace. It’s not just food, it’s convenience items, grocery and pharmacy
pickups, large items and furniture moving, pickup and delivery of household items and gifts,
and more,” says Lorien Johansen, Executive Assistant, Simply Delivery. “We are 100% locally
owned and operated, every dollar stays in our local economy. We work hard to ensure that your
goods are delivered on time, by professional drivers who practice exemplary ser vice.”
Provincial restrictions that were announced December 8th and effective December 13th put a
restriction on in-person dining in restaurants, bars, pubs, cafes, and lounges across Alberta ,
and are expected to be in effect for a minimum of four weeks.
Downtown businesses are encouraged to sign up with Simply Delivery and load their menus
and services onto the app. Businesses who do so will have the registration fees waived and be
able to offer their products on a platform that will offer a safe contactl ess (recommended)
delivery throughout Lethbridge.
“Now more than ever we need to shop and support local. This partnership with Simply Delivery
not only enables downtown and community-wide restaurants to expand their reach to
consumers at a reduced rate per delivery, it also gives businesses the opportunity to sign up
for the delivery service and have the $250 registration fee waived,” says Tulene Steiestol,
Executive Director, Downtown Lethbridge BRZ. “Simply Delivery is simply win-win for local
businesses and consumers.”
Supporting the initiative are other organizations in the city including the Lethbridge Chamber
of Commerce and Economic Development Lethbridge, under the Lethbridge Brighter Together
community brand and essence.
“This truly is a brighter together moment for our city and will succeed because of the strength
and willingness from everyone involved. Consumers, businesses, local organizations all
coming together to support one another,” says Erin Crane, Director, Inv estment Attraction,
Economic Development Lethbridge. “Choosing a local delivery option can help in so many
ways. It keeps our money in the local economy, provides work for local individuals and uses
technology and innovation to solve a current issue.”
Start date for this initiative will be Thursday, December 17th at Noon.