Lethbridge is home to 45 major employers who together employ more than 20,000 people
Lethbridge, Alberta - Economic Development Lethbridge (EDL) recently conducted a survey to identify major employers in Lethbridge and determine which sectors are represented. The 2015 survey identified businesses in Lethbridge that employ more than 100 people. Combined, these businesses and organizations employ more than 20,000 people in Lethbridge, which is approximately 32% of the Lethbridge employed workforce.
The top 10 major employers in Lethbridge contribute 13,473 jobs to the local economy and these employers increased their employee total workforce by 7% between 2013 and 2015. Public sector employment in Lethbridge remains strong with nine of the top 10 major employers in health care, education, and government services. These nine public sector organizations employ over 12,000 people, which accounts for almost 20% of the employed workforce in Lethbridge.
“This is a snapshot of the industry composition in the city and adds to the overall picture of business diversity in the region,” says Economic Development Lethbridge CEO Trevor Lewington. “By consistently tracking this information we are able to analyze the trends over time, which continue to demonstrate the strength of our public sector as well as the need to continue to focus on further diversification.”
The region’s largest employers represent many sectors:
- 11 are in the manufacturing or logistics sector
- 12 are in the retail or hospitality sector
- Five are in agri-food sector
- Three are in the financial sector
Each year EDL invites area businesses to participate in the survey which identifies the major employers in the region and shows which industry sectors employ the largest proportion of our local labour force. Results, which are based on those major employers who choose to participate, are available online at http://www.chooselethbridge.ca/business/employers.php.
This survey is conducted every two years. If employers wish to participate in the 2017 Major Employer of Lethbridge survey contact Mike Prociw at (403) 332-6056 or mike@chooselethbridge.ca.
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Contact Information:
Trevor Lewington
Chief Executive Officer
Economic Development Lethbridge
Tel: (403) 331-0022; Cell: (403) 330-3701