EDL Welcomes Caribbean Study Tour to Lethbridge
Lethbridge - Economic Development Lethbridge (EDL) is pleased to host Caribbean government officials and staff as part of the Caribbean Local Economic Development Project (CARILED) study program. Within CARILED’s ongoing efforts to expand networks and knowledge as well as introduce leading practices in local economic development, this three-day study tour will provide an opportunity for delegates to learn about local economic development strategies and how collaboration and partnerships are fundamental to building a vibrant city and region.
Best practices for business development and entrepreneurship support will be explored through business site tours, round table conversations with service providers and discussions around the importance of involving multi-stakeholders in economic development initiatives. Tours of the downtown will explore the importance of local business in the heart of the city while tours of SAAG and Casa will highlight arts and culture as a pillar for community engagement and well-being. Delegates will also visit local and regional attractions including Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump, Nikka Yuko Japanese Gardens and Waterton National Park to better understand the tourism industry as it relates to economic strategy.
“Since partnering with this group last fall, our EDL team has had the opportunity to share our knowledge and lessons learned to help others build economic development capacity in three Caribbean regions,” says EDL CEO Trevor Lewington. “Hosting the study tour continues to solidify our involvement with CARILED and build on the existing partnerships that many of our community stakeholders already have in place.”
CARILED is a six-year, $22.9 million program running until 2017, and is funded by the Government of Canada through the Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFTAD). It is implemented by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). CARILED strives to develop business-friendly environments in which micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises can prosper. It stimulates sustainable local economic development by helping local governments implement programs, policies and services to support existing enterprises and attract new businesses.