November Events
Oct 21, 2016
November 16 - Lethbridge Trading Area Information Session
Did you know that $473 million is spent on goods and services in Lethbridge each year by non-Lethbridge catchment area residents?
You are invited to an information session to learn more about how non-Lethbridge residents engage in commercial activity and the overall value of this activity. Tony Coulson of Environics Research, will be presenting findings from a recent report led by Economic Development Lethbridge.
Date: November 16, 2016
Time: 10:30 a.m. - noon
Place: Lethbridge Public Library
This session is FREE, however you are required to RSVP by November 11 tradearea.eventbrite.com
This study was conducted with sponsorship from the Lethbridge Lodging Association along with the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce, The Lethbridge & District Association of Realtors and Select Recruiting Solutions/Teamworks Training Institute.
November 22 - Food For Thought Place Brand Luncheon
Have you ever wondered what makes us choose and attach to a place? Are you interested in learning more about the attributes of Lethbridge that we, as a community, care about the most?
As part of the Intelligent Community initiative, Economic Development Lethbridge is pleased to host our next food for thought luncheon focused on 'place-brand'.
Join us for a dynamic and informative session with international award-winning placemaking consultant, speaker and instructor Dr. Katherine Loflin. Based on the results of the ‘Our Lethbridge’ survey, Dr. Loflin will share Lethbridge’s strengths weaknesses and opportunities as identified by the community as well as research-based insight into how these things impact the brand-story of our city.
Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Place: Lethbridge Coast Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre
Tickets: $25/person or $125/reserved table of 6
Tickets are available on Eventbrite, or if you prefer to be invoiced please contact patricia@chooselethbridge.ca or (403) 331-0022.
Did you know that $473 million is spent on goods and services in Lethbridge each year by non-Lethbridge catchment area residents?
You are invited to an information session to learn more about how non-Lethbridge residents engage in commercial activity and the overall value of this activity. Tony Coulson of Environics Research, will be presenting findings from a recent report led by Economic Development Lethbridge.
Date: November 16, 2016
Time: 10:30 a.m. - noon
Place: Lethbridge Public Library
This session is FREE, however you are required to RSVP by November 11 tradearea.eventbrite.com
This study was conducted with sponsorship from the Lethbridge Lodging Association along with the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce, The Lethbridge & District Association of Realtors and Select Recruiting Solutions/Teamworks Training Institute.
November 22 - Food For Thought Place Brand Luncheon
Have you ever wondered what makes us choose and attach to a place? Are you interested in learning more about the attributes of Lethbridge that we, as a community, care about the most?
As part of the Intelligent Community initiative, Economic Development Lethbridge is pleased to host our next food for thought luncheon focused on 'place-brand'.
Join us for a dynamic and informative session with international award-winning placemaking consultant, speaker and instructor Dr. Katherine Loflin. Based on the results of the ‘Our Lethbridge’ survey, Dr. Loflin will share Lethbridge’s strengths weaknesses and opportunities as identified by the community as well as research-based insight into how these things impact the brand-story of our city.
Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Place: Lethbridge Coast Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre
Tickets: $25/person or $125/reserved table of 6
Tickets are available on Eventbrite, or if you prefer to be invoiced please contact patricia@chooselethbridge.ca or (403) 331-0022.