Economic Development Lethbridge Celebrating Economic Development Week
May 15, 2019
For Immediate Release May 6, 2019
Lethbridge, AB…May 6 through 11, 2019 is Economic Development Week and Economic Development Lethbridge (EDL) will be joining in the celebration. Created in 2016 by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) the week-long campaign was developed to shine a bright light on Economic Development organizations throughout North America and create awareness of local programs that create jobs, advance career development, as well as support new and existing businesses in each region.
Economic Development Lethbridge CEO, Trevor Lewington commented on what celebrating Economic Development Week means locally for EDL “Economic Development is often misunderstood as a profession and a service to the community. IEDC’s Economic Development week allows us to put a spotlight on the work we do. We are a support system, a community collaborator and a proactive advocate for the future evolution, growth and prosperity of Lethbridge.”
Lewington, who recently was awarded the Economic Developer of the Year award last month by the Economic Developers Alberta remarked that 2019 will be a busy year for the organization “Our 2019 to 2022 business plan is divided in to 6 key pillars. We’ll be working to support local entrepreneurs to expand and grow their businesses while at the same time attracting new investment to the city. Our roles also include raising Lethbridge’s profile as an excellent place to live, learn, invest, visit and do business.”
Economic Development Lethbridge is an arm’s length organization, supported by the City of Lethbridge, governed by a 25-member volunteer Board of Directors and managed by a team of professionals dedicated to promoting economic prosperity in Lethbridge.
“Economic Development Lethbridge plays a key role in our city, as both a leader in economic development and setting the tone for growth. The EDL team builds positive and sustainable relationships in both the public and private sectors locally, provincially, nationally and internationally for the benefit of our community and as a result of their work companies choose Lethbridge as the place they want to operate a business and offers employees an attractive quality of life.” Notes EDL Board Chair Jenn Schmidt-Rempel.
One of the highlights of Economic Development Week will be the lighting of City Hall at sunset each night during the week with the Red, Green and Blue colours of Economic Developers Alberta.
For more information, contact:
Mark Neskar, Director, Marketing & Communications
Economic Development Lethbridge
Lethbridge, AB…May 6 through 11, 2019 is Economic Development Week and Economic Development Lethbridge (EDL) will be joining in the celebration. Created in 2016 by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) the week-long campaign was developed to shine a bright light on Economic Development organizations throughout North America and create awareness of local programs that create jobs, advance career development, as well as support new and existing businesses in each region.
Economic Development Lethbridge CEO, Trevor Lewington commented on what celebrating Economic Development Week means locally for EDL “Economic Development is often misunderstood as a profession and a service to the community. IEDC’s Economic Development week allows us to put a spotlight on the work we do. We are a support system, a community collaborator and a proactive advocate for the future evolution, growth and prosperity of Lethbridge.”
Lewington, who recently was awarded the Economic Developer of the Year award last month by the Economic Developers Alberta remarked that 2019 will be a busy year for the organization “Our 2019 to 2022 business plan is divided in to 6 key pillars. We’ll be working to support local entrepreneurs to expand and grow their businesses while at the same time attracting new investment to the city. Our roles also include raising Lethbridge’s profile as an excellent place to live, learn, invest, visit and do business.”
Economic Development Lethbridge is an arm’s length organization, supported by the City of Lethbridge, governed by a 25-member volunteer Board of Directors and managed by a team of professionals dedicated to promoting economic prosperity in Lethbridge.
“Economic Development Lethbridge plays a key role in our city, as both a leader in economic development and setting the tone for growth. The EDL team builds positive and sustainable relationships in both the public and private sectors locally, provincially, nationally and internationally for the benefit of our community and as a result of their work companies choose Lethbridge as the place they want to operate a business and offers employees an attractive quality of life.” Notes EDL Board Chair Jenn Schmidt-Rempel.
One of the highlights of Economic Development Week will be the lighting of City Hall at sunset each night during the week with the Red, Green and Blue colours of Economic Developers Alberta.
For more information, contact:
Mark Neskar, Director, Marketing & Communications
Economic Development Lethbridge